Mungu ailaze roho ya marehemu mahali pema peponi.
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Mr. Ebo, hautasahaulika kame
Ni habari ya kusikitisha ya kumpoteza msanii pekee ambaye alikuwa wa kwanza kudumisha utamaduni wa kabila lake kwa wasanii wa muziki wa kizazi kipya. Kikubwa ni kwa wasanii mliobaki kuiga mfano wa Mr. Ebbo. Mkataa kwao ni mtumwa. Achaneni na umagharibi.
Mungu ailaze roho ya marehemu mahali pema peponi.
Mungu ailaze roho ya marehemu mahali pema peponi.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
No woman no cry rmx-(Mixed by DJ Charzjoe.mp3 - Hulk Share - Easy way to share your files
download this free then Listen to exclusive remix. It's so fresh so clean. u'll like it
No woman no cry rmx-(Mixed by DJ Charzjoe.mp3
No woman no cry rmx-(Mixed by DJ Charzjoe.mp3
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Bongo hiphop icon that will never be forgotten. Do u know where are they and what they do? Stay tuned
Shindano la BSS Second chance limeisha kwa kuwashangaza wengi kwa kutupwa nafasi ya mwisho mwanadada pekee ambaye alionesha kipaji kikubwa Bella kombo.
Maoni ya wengi yanaonesha mashaka ya maamuzi ya mwisho. Anyway, hao ndo majaji ambao wanasema wao ndo wenye asilimia 60 za maamuzi na 40 za watazamaji, sasa kama ndo hivyo si wangemaliza zote tu.
Hata hivyo experience inaonesha kuwa wanaopewaga tuzo BSS huwa hawadumu hewani. Mtu kama Kala Jeremiah bado ana shine kwenye game,yuko wapi J4 na waliofuata?
Maoni ya wengi yanaonesha mashaka ya maamuzi ya mwisho. Anyway, hao ndo majaji ambao wanasema wao ndo wenye asilimia 60 za maamuzi na 40 za watazamaji, sasa kama ndo hivyo si wangemaliza zote tu.
Hata hivyo experience inaonesha kuwa wanaopewaga tuzo BSS huwa hawadumu hewani. Mtu kama Kala Jeremiah bado ana shine kwenye game,yuko wapi J4 na waliofuata?
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Not afraid rmx - Eminem ft. Eve, Nick minaj, 2pac ( DJ Charzjoe rmx).mp3
Gonga hapo usikilize remix hii hapa niliyoisimamia Not afraid rmx - Eminem ft. Eve, Nick minaj, 2pac ( DJ Charzjoe rmx).mp3 Not afraid rmx - Eminem ft. Eve, Nick minaj, 2pac ( DJ Charzjoe rmx).mp3
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Professor Jay 2002 VS Ace Hood 2011
Profesa Jay alitoa album ya machozi jasho na damu miaka mingi iliyopita, cha ajabu mwaka huu 2011 Mkali Ace hood katoa album iitwayo Blood, Sweat and Tears ambayo inatafsiri kile alichokisema prof miaka kibao iliyopita.sasa je, ingekuwa vp kama angeanza Ace hood then afuatie Prof? Najua mngesema mengi. By the way Title sio ishu,angalia kazi.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Mkali kutoka state, Music Is My Savior ( MIMS) kutua bongo rasmi kwaajili ya kugonga collabo na wa Tanza,stori zilizopo ni kwamba Bongo Records chini ya P.funk kuhusika zaidi juu ya hilo.
Karibu sn bongo.
Karibu sn bongo.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Anti virus mix tape vol.II ipo kitaa
Ile Mixtape ya ANTI VIRUS ya VINEGA chini ya mwanaharakati Mheshimiwa Sugu sasa ipo mtaani,itafute usikie matope. Hope utakuwa umenisoma tu.
Pole sana K-lyn kwa kufiwa na Baba mzazi. Sisi wote ni wasafiri so duniani tunapita tu.
Mungu akupe ujasiri. Bwana alitoa na bwana ametwaa.
Mungu akupe ujasiri. Bwana alitoa na bwana ametwaa.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Introducing Video Production Studio
The Chapter one plus under DJ Charzjoe is now introducing the Video and audio studio. Please stay tuned.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Young Jeezy aachia hewani “The Real Is Back 2″ Cover
Young Jeezy ameiachi hewani 'the artwork' kwaajili ya mixtape yake mpya na DJ Drama iitwayo The Real Is Back2. Msikilizie mchizi anarudi.
Weeezy ameonesha kumdiss Jay-z kutokana na mistari yake kuonekana kuwa ni jibu la Mistari ya Jay z.
Kimsingi kutoka kwenye mistari ya Jigga kwenye H*A*M,Watch The Throne single, ilikuwa ikisemeka hivi“I’m like really half a billi, nigga/Really you got baby money/Keep it real with niggas/Niggas ain’t got my lady money,” Na Weezy maneno yake yako hivi “Talkin’ ’bout baby money, I got your baby money/Kidnap your bitch, get that ‘How much you love your lady?’ money,” yote kwa yote inaonekana kuwa ni mbio za kusaka mauzo,au sio.
Lil wayne aahidi kuiachia album iliyokuwa ikisubiriwa vikali na fans wake iitwayo The Carter IV wiki ijayo august 29. Usikose kopi kama we mjanja.
Kimsingi kutoka kwenye mistari ya Jigga kwenye H*A*M,Watch The Throne single, ilikuwa ikisemeka hivi“I’m like really half a billi, nigga/Really you got baby money/Keep it real with niggas/Niggas ain’t got my lady money,” Na Weezy maneno yake yako hivi “Talkin’ ’bout baby money, I got your baby money/Kidnap your bitch, get that ‘How much you love your lady?’ money,” yote kwa yote inaonekana kuwa ni mbio za kusaka mauzo,au sio.
Lil wayne aahidi kuiachia album iliyokuwa ikisubiriwa vikali na fans wake iitwayo The Carter IV wiki ijayo august 29. Usikose kopi kama we mjanja.
Official Erick Sermon Ft: Rick Ross " Music Video" AIN'T ME" DIR.KRAZE
Hapa Erick Sermon kamshirikisha The Big boss, Roossay,Rick Ross. Ingawa haonekani kwenye video lakini ametupia mistari kwenye verse ya tatu. Ni boonge ya ngoma ambayo imetambariwa kwenye beat ambayo ilifanya vizuri kwenye ngoma ya Hit'em up ya 2pac. Enjoy baab
Lil Wayne Feat. Jadakiss & Drake - It's Good
Ni ngoma kali ya Wiiiizy baaaaby akiwa na wa kali Jada Kiss na Drake kutoka kwenye project yake mpya ya The Carter IV. Sikiliza mzigo huo,then tupia comment zako pale kati. Raaaaaaaaaaaa
Friday, August 19, 2011
Speak With Your Body - AY Feat Romeo And Lamyia [NEW AUGUST 2011]
Gonga hapo usikilize na uione ngoma mpya ya Ambwene Yesaya na Romeo. Ni bonge ya ngoma kimtoni zaid. kifupi ni kimataifa zaidi. Na kwa taarifa tu ni kwamba mchizi A.Y kwasasa yupo chini ya Master P. Upo hapo
Friday, August 12, 2011
Game Criticizes "Watch The Throne," Jokes About Jay-Z's Fertility

"It's a good 7," he said of Watch the Throne. "Well, you know 6 points went to Kanye."
Lil Wayne's "Tha Carter IV" Gets Official Track List, Features Nas, Bun B
Aside from known cuts like "6 Foot 7 Foot" featuring Cory Gunz and "She Will" featuring Drake, a plethora of other artists join Weezy on his latest.
Although Nas, Shyne and Jadakiss were reported to be on the same cut, lists two posse cuts that split the emcees up. "It's Good," featuring Drake and Jadakiss, and "Outro," featuring Bun B, Nas, Shyne and Busta Rhymes. The aforementioned collaboration with underground staple Tech N9ne also appears to have made the cut.
The track list is as follows:
1. Intro2. Blunt Blowin
3. MegaMan
4. 6 Foot 7 Foot (Feat. Cory Gunz)
5. Nightmares Of The Bottom
6. She Will (Feat. Drake)
7. How To Hate (Feat. T-Pain)
8. Interlude (Feat. Tech N9ne)
9. John (Feat. Rick Ross)
10. Abortion
11. So Special (Feat. John Legend)
12. How To Love
13. President Carter
14. Its Good (Feat. Drake & Jadakiss)
15. Outro (Feat. Bun B, Nas, Shyne & Busta Rhymes)
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Serikali kuajiri wahitimu 5,700 wa kilimo

Kwa mujibu wa Wizara ya Kilimo, Chakula na Ushirika, ajira za wahitimu hao zitatekelezwa na Serikali kupitia Wizara hiyo na ile ya Tawala za Mikoa na Serikali za Mitaa (Tamisemi).
Halmashauri za wilaya, miji na manispaa zilizo chini ya tamisemi ndizo zitakazoajiri jumla ya wataalamu wa kilimo 8,500 ifikapo mwaka 2013.
Hayo yalisemwa jana na Kaimu Mkurugenzi Msaidizi wa Rasilimaliwatu katika Idara ya Utawala na Maendeleo ya Rasilimaliwatu katika Wizara ya Kilimo, Chakula na Ushirika, Mary Temba wakati akiwasilisha katika darasa la wakulima katika Maonesho ya Nanenane, kitaifa.
Temba aliwasilisha mada kuhusu Utaratibu wa ajira kwa wahitimu wa kada ya kilimo, kwenye maonesho hayo yanayofika kilele chake leo kwenye Viwanja vya Nzuguni mjini hapa.
Alisema ni azma ya Serikali kuhakikisha huduma za ushauri wa kilimo bora, umwagiliaji na ushirika zinawafikia wakulima /wafugaji katika kila kijiji, kata na tarafa kwa kuwa na wataalamu wa fani hizo karibu na wakulima.
Alisema katika wahitimu hao 5,770, walihitimu jumla ya wataalamu 4,550 katika ngazi ya Cheti na Diploma. Wahitimu katika ngazi ya Shahada katika fani ya kilimo walikuwa 785 na wa fani ya ushirika walikuwa 435.
“Wahitimu wote hawa wataajiriwa katika mwaka huu wa 2011/12 mara tu utaratibu wa kuwapanga utakapokamilika mapema Septemba baada ya kumalizika kwa vikao vya Bunge la Bajeti,” alisema Kaimu Mkurugenzi Msaidizi huyo.
Aliwataja waajiri watakaopangiwa kuwaajiri wahitimu hao kuwa ni Wizara yenyewe ya Kilimo, Chakula na Ushirika; Wizara nyingine za sekta ya kilimo, Halmashauri zote za wilaya, Jiji na manispaa pamoja na taasisi na bodi za mazao zilizo chini ya Wizara hiyo.
Alisema ni matarajio ya Wizara kwamba wahitimu wote wataitikia mwito wa Serikali wa kuwapatia nafasi hizo za ajira, na hivyo kila mmoja kuripoti pale atakapopangiwa na kutumia utaalamu wake kuwashauri vyema wakulima wa
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Monday, July 25, 2011
Kama vp muweze sharobaro Hemed aweze kufanya kweli kwenye Tusker project fame, Andika neno TUSKER 3 kwenda 15324. Aminiaaaaaaa
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Langa (rais wa mateja)aachana na vijiti

Mchizi kafikia uamuzi huo kutokana na ukweli kwamba yamemlostisha kinoma kiafya hadi kisaikolojia. Amesema amefikia maamuzi hayo ya kujitangaza ili iwe kama lesson kwa vijana wengine wa mlengo huo.
Kimsingi mchizi alifunguka kuwa kutokana na ushauri kutoka kwa watu wake wa karibu ndipo alipoamua kwenda kwenye ushauri nasaha.
Zero - Witness feat Fid Q - Bongo Hip Hop Music
pole sana witness kwa kupoteza mdogo wetu,but never give up coz life goes on
huwa sikuzote naheshimu na kukubali kazi za ngosha,but this was more internationally.
huwa sikuzote naheshimu na kukubali kazi za ngosha,but this was more internationally.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Jay-z,kanye west
Jay-Z and Kanye West's collaborative Watch the Throne LP is shaping up to be the year's most anticipated release.
So far, fans have heard the Southern-fried, Lex Luger-produced "H.A.M." and the soul-drenched "Otis," which premiered Wednesday night on New York radio. While the two records both feature hard-nosed lyrics from Hov and 'Ye, their sounds couldn't be more different.

Well, the sonic versatility doesn't stop there. Singer/songwriter Verse Simmonds revealed to MTV News that the multiplatinum rap tandem will also be experimenting with dubstep on the new album.
After getting a call from Bu Thiam, Def Jam's VP of A&R, to submit tracks for WTT, Simmonds and his production partner, Sham "Sak Pase" Joseph, immediately went to work. "What we did is, we locked in a week, we just went crazy on everything Jay and Kanye," Simmonds told MTV News. "I remember telling Sham, I was like, 'Yo, I think this dubstep stuff is going to be the next new flavor that everybody gotta be on. It gotta have a hip-hop feel to it still.' "
The result is "Who Gon Stop Me," a track that, according to the "Buy You a Round" singer, is influenced by the U.K. style of electronic dance music. Together, Verse and Sak Pase make up the Jugganauts, and for "Who Gon Stop Me," Joseph made the beat and Simmonds wrote and referenced the chorus.
"We started creating the track, and it just started to come crazy, so we came up with the concept," Simmonds said before reciting a loose rendition of the song's lyrics. "It was like, 'Who gon stop me, huh? Black cards, Black cars, whole lot of money.' "
To pen the hook on the track, Verse said he first imagined himself in Jigga and Yeezy's shoes. "When I recorded it, everybody was like, 'Yo, you sound just like Kanye, you sound just like Jay-Z,' " he remembered. "It's just crazy, because I felt like, at that moment in time, I was them. I got into that mode of: 'What would these guys say? How would they say it?' I think they heard it the first time and loved it."
Hopefully, the fans will too.
What do you think about the Watch the Throne tracks released so far? Let us know in the comments!
wiz khalifa ashukuru kwa kuw nominated
Jul 21 2011 9:27 PM EDT 891
Wiz Khalifa Calls VMA Nomination 'A Good Sign'
'Black and Yellow' rapper says Best New Artist nominees 'are all people who have their own movements.'
By Rob Markman
Before Wiz Khalifa saw his career take flight, his hometown of Pittsburgh stood as a relative unknown on the hip-hop map. The Taylor Gang general's breakout hit, "Black and Yellow," changed that, and now Wiz is being rewarded with a Best New Artist nomination at the 2011 MTV VMAs.
"It's my first video, so I wanted to make it like that classic. You can't do a first video over again," Wiz said of the concept behind his popular video, which has raked in over 89 million views on YouTube. "When I think about stuff like that, I thought about Snoop's [appearance in Dr. Dre's] '[Nuthin' but a] G Thang' — like a real hometown-vibe video, things that really, really show the artist in their element. I figured if I went that way with it, then I couldn't really lose."
Wiz is proud that he is able to rep for his town and said that being in the conversation with other big-time rappers like Lil Wayne and Drake helps him provide inspiration for Pittsburgh's up-and-coming talents. "It's good morale for Pittsburgh, because we never got that much love," he said. "All of our artists have been known on a certain scene or a certain radar, but to be put up there with the greatest rappers and to have their own is really, really big for the city."
The Best New Artist competition is tough, however: Wiz is up against his tourmate, Big Sean ("My Last"), Kreayshawn ("Gucci Gucci"), Tyler, the Creator ("Yonkers") and indie-pop band Foster the People ("Pumped Up Kicks").
"I think it's really good competition, and it's just a good sign of the new wave of how an artist can come up and get recognition these days," Khalifa said. "Big Sean, I know his situation, how he came from nothing. Kreayshawn, she built her buzz similar with the Internet, and Tyler as well. These are all people who have their own movements."
While each Best New Artist nominee is different in their own right, Wiz finds a common thread that binds them: "All of us, we're really just living our dreams and getting nominated for it, so it's excellent."
You can vote for general VMA categories, including Best New Artist, by visiting or on your mobile phone. In addition, you can get in on Best New Artist text voting by texting BNA to 66333 on your wireless phone. Voting continues through the show, which airs live August 28 at 9 p.m. ET. (Verizon subscribers can vote on all categories via SMS by texting VMA to 66333; standard message rates apply.)
The 28th annual MTV Video Music Awards will air live on Sunday, August 28, from the Nokia Theatre in Los Angeles at 9 p.m. ET/PT. See the list of nominees, revisit last year's highlights and vote for your favorites in the general categories by visiting
Wiz Khalifa
Photo: Raymond Boyd/ Michael Ochs Archives/ Getty Images
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